GHR provides you the best price for Panasonic Integrated Telephone KX-TS500MX and express shipping all over the Pakistan.
As you know GHR is a best shopping Website to buy Quality Products in Pakistan. So if you want a durable phone which has a range of feature-rich telephony devices to match their changing business needs.So this Panasonic Integrated Telephone KX-TS500MX has been on your first priority. It had been the first choice since many years because the price of Panasonic Integrated Telephone KX-TS500MX is less as compared to other brands but the quality is best. The beautiful design and great durability proves that this telephone is the best choice for your home appliances and will last for a comparatively longer time period.
some key features of this telephone are given below:
- White,Black,Grey,red,Blue colors
- Wall Mounted
- Easy to Use
- Switchable tone/Pulse Setting
- Last Number Redial
- Durable
Hurry up!!! Buy Now Panasonic Integrated Telephone KX-TS500MX.
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